BNetzA supply requirement:O2 reaches second milestone in 4G rollout

Markus Haas
Parallel to the current launch of the O2 5G network, Telefónica Germany / O2 is also making great strides in the 4G expansion. The company has reached the second interim target set by the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) for the subsequent fulfillment of the supply requirement from the frequency auction 2015 on time by 30 September 2020. In total, O2 has installed 5089 new 4G stations since the beginning of the year, more than the required 4940. The company is thus also providing fast Internet access to more and more people in rural areas. O2 is working at full speed to meet the total target of 7600 4G stations by the end of the year.
"Our O2 5G network is now live. 5G is our digital future. 4G will be the backbone of digitization for several years to come. We are also pushing the 4G expansion further and bringing fast Internet to more and more rural areas. We are very confident that we will achieve our expansion targets by the end of the year", explains Markus Haas, CEO of Telefónica Germany / O2.
Network expansion well on the way to the annual target

With the second milestone, O2 has now reached 65 percent of the stations required by the Federal Network Agency by the end of the year. The company thus supplies around 95 percent of the population nationwide with 4G. O2 is thus well on the way to achieving the required 98 percent of households. In the past two months alone, O2 has increased its supply in Germany by three percentage points.
The company is facing additional challenges in terms of supply along transport routes. These include, for example, the development of possible locations, the consideration of nature conservation requirements and coordination with other parties involved. This often requires the cooperation of various actors from administration, politics and business. Telefónica Deutschland / O2 is in an intensive exchange with those involved, such as the railroad companies, and is making progress in this area.